This one is from our most successful blogger so far and someone who is really writing some great stuff! Safah thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on how we should use this time to reflect and think about how to improve ourselves and think about what we want to do next.
Since being in the second national lockdown, and then being put into a Tier 3 area, moving to a new place, yet confined by the four walls of my bedroom flat, I have had a lot of time to reflect on what I want to do and where I want to go. The pandemic has been an eye-opener that any life can easily be cut short or taken away too soon. I really just want to get out there and live my life. It feels like I am getting held back and I am just yearning to escape! I sit in my room thinking of all the places I can go, all the opportunities that are passing by, and dreams of travel that I can’t wait to fulfil. But this time of dreaming and wanting to escape, has shown me what I want to do and has put life into perspective. We should make an effort to live our lives. A quote that I have recently just found has changed my whole perspective on my choices.
“What do you want to do with your one, wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver.
Think about this quote. Let this resonate with you. Your life, your existence is fragile. No one is invincible to the inevitability. So, we should use this time to think, once everything is ‘back to normal,’ or as normal as things can be. What do you want to do? How do you want to live your life to the fullest it can be?
I have thought about this and would like to share with you guys the three main things I want to do in my life, as soon as I can get out of here.
I want to travel and see the Seven Wonders of the World. Yes, basic, but being able to experience the world and appreciating the hours and time people have spent to put together the pyramids of Egypt or The Great Wall of China. My biggest goal personally is to trek Machu Picchu, hence why I have started my new lifestyle to prepare myself for the 4-day hike I will do one day.
There are five other places I want to travel to on top of the 7 wonders of the world. Firstly, I would love to go to Hawaii. When you think of the ultimate escape from stress you have to think of Hawaii right? Stunning sandy beaches, amazing resorts with 5 star service, it is the ultimate place to descend into bliss. An island chain famous for its high levels of hospitality and warm welcomes is the place you need to escape to get rid of all the post Covid trauma.
Next on the list is Greece. Stunning weather, glorious beaches, tasty food and interesting history are all obviously great reasons to go to Greece. But for me, a musical geek, I can’t think of anything I would rather do then travel to a Greek Island and sing the entire works of Abba in a homage to the great musical work Mamma Mia. Letting myself wander freely into the scenes of one of my favourite films is a lifelong dream, and I can’t wait to fulfill it.
I would be crazy not to mention New York in this list as well. A place that I am sure is high up on everyone’s bucket list. There is a reason writers set many of their stories in cities like New York, it is the sheer amount of opportunities that exist in these massive metropolises to explore. You can live any dream you want in a city like New York and I intend to go there and live out my dreams, and of course see some Broadways shows.
Venice is another one of those cities that is towards the top of everyone’s bucket lists, but for totally different reasons to New York. It is the romance etched into every fasate of Venetian life. I have never been but reading blogs on Venice and seeing what I have seen from afar makes me want to hop on a plane and get there as quickly as possible. Walking down the canals, getting lost in side streets in the maze that is a medieval town, and obviously the incredible Italian food, Venice is somewhere I have to go once in my lifetime.
The final stop on my journey of escapist thinking takes me to the continent of Africa. I know this is a massive generalisation as Africa is a huge and diverse area with lots of different traditions and customs, but just anywhere in Africa intrigues me. From the mystical desert cities of Morocco, to the potential for safaris in Kenya and all the way down to the stunning scenery of Table Top Mountain in South Africa, I want to see it all. I just want to experience something completely different and really escape.
I also want to experience new activities. Life is about new experiences and pushing your comfort zone. There is nothing I love more than trying something new and really loving it. I have compiled quite a long list but this is by no means everything that is on my bucket list. This list is so long that I am not going to describe each thing, I just want to show you what activities I want to do and hopefully give you some ideas on what new activities you could try. Here it goes!
- Go to the races
- Hot air balloon experience
- Do a charity run
- Swim with dolphins
- Bathe an elephant
- Do an escape room
- Volunteer somewhere, anywhere
- Learn how to play golf, tennis and how to surf
- Be an extra in a film or a tv show
- Go on a safari trip
- Go to a music festival
- Get a tattoo? (I will have to think about that one)
- See a live comedy show
- Travel the world and stay up to watch the sunset and sunrise
Finally, the last thing I want to do with my life is to be happy (cliché I know) but to start new traditions with my family and watch them grow up. Everybody's goal in life should be to be happy. Do whatever it takes for you to feel good about yourself, that doesn’t have to be travel, it can be anything you want it to be. Just go out there and be your own person with the aim to be as happy as you can be.
Now, what do you want to do with your one precious life?
Have you achieved everything you wanted to achieve, if not, what is stopping you from fulfilling your goal?
Take this time to reflect on what your goals are and the best ways to achieve them, and then when we are finally released from these restrictions you will be able to hit the ground running and do everything to achieve your goal.
Thank you for reading guys!